Tagged, Tagged again, and again?? I think I’ve been framed! It’s a conspiracy to get me sucked into blog land, as if I don’t have enough to do!
While I was on my evening run I was trying to think about 5 more interesting things, it took me an hour to come up with these. You know what? I’m a pretty boring guy! There’s no way I can come up with 5 more
- When I was in Karate I could do the front and straddle splits, this would always freak out my non karate friends. Now I can barely sit up straight with my legs out at a 45 degree angle. Guess age and Triathlon tend to tighten up the old muscles.
- I was picked on quite a bit in elementary school because I was oriental. That is until I started beating up everyone that was picking on me. The interesting thing was, I never ever went to the principles office for fighting. Oh, you have to remember, this was in the mid sixties after the Vietnam war, and I was the only “oriental” kid in school. Another interesting thing is one of the kids that would pick on me became one of my best friends.
- I was an honor roll student and took all AP classes in high school but beginning Spanish class almost did me in! Sheila Thompson is the only reason I passed the class. A good solid D and I was pretty darn happy. So, of course, I took a job where 90 percent of the employees speak Spanish, what was I thinking?
- At one point in my career I was in charge of development and installation of an electrical utility outage tracking system. I had to do a demo for about 200
customers and potential customers at a dog and pony show. The outage system tracking would track sections of power that would go down and also track customer calls. I set up this grand scenario of Godzilla and King Kong having a battle in the rural United States (it was actually just west of Denver). As consumers would call in I would key in their reports and track the outages. Anyway, it was really funny and I got a best of show award.
- Did I mention I have a tool fetish?
I thought you were doing yoga several times a week?
What was that? A foot fetish?
When are you going to put yourself on the board so people can find you?
p.s. I'm STILL home sick. Have a good, healthy day!
gojira - an excellent choice.
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