Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bottle tops:

Am I the only one with this problem? I have about 10 cycling bottles that I use over the course of the week. All but two of the bottles have black lids so every time I want to use a water bottle I have to try and match up the bottles with the lids. Why can’t the manufacturers use the same bottle top diameter and thread pattern? At this point I’m not even sure if I have the correct number of bottles for the number of lids.

I think I’ve been training to much….


SWTrigal said...

I almost fell off my chair when your post came up on my google reader! :)
I was JUST thinking the same thing about those dang tops yesterday. Time to play the "Let's match bottle tops" game!
So annoying!

skoshi said...

Kind of like (some) socks after the laundry, aren't they?

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

Every dang bottle I own leaks - I think because I have now mismatched every one of them. It does not help that I seem to have about 2 gajillion of them.

Anonymous said...

My water bottles always leak too. Gack on those companies not making things uniform! And of course, when I'm getting ready for a ride at 5:45am, I'm in no mental condition to sort through the bottle tops!