Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Eating like a normal person

Eating like a normal person sucks. If you read my blog last week you know that I’m in the process of taking off my winter/sick weight and decided to keep track of what and how much I eat.

The Life Form program is brutally honest, it doesn’t care why you cheat, if you don’t workout or even if you enter bad data. It just reports the facts. The facts are that I’ve been running a pretty good caloric debt, that is, as soon as I figured out how many calories are in a good size handful of almonds. I’ve been steadily losing weight, which good thing. I've had to analyze the content of what I eat, which is also a good thing. But yes, I’ve been hungry, which is a bad thing. Another bad part about this whole process is that I’ve really had to pay attention to what I eat, as opposed to eating pretty much anything I feel like (within reason).

My caloric intake has been about 2100 calories per day. Which is within range of a “normal” person but it’s a lot less than I’m used to eating, which is around 3300 calories per day. So, like I said at the beginning, eating like a normal person really sucks, I enjoy eating and eating a lot. Ahhh the good old days of IM training….


S. Baboo said...

Oh yeah, Life Form is great...in a crappy kind of way.

Sluggo said...

Life form you say. I guess I should check into that. How many calories are in a giant Dos Hermanos breakfast burrito anyway...and I wonder why I'm not losing any weight. lol

skoshi said...

I wish you all the success--and on a permanent basis--to reach whatever weight goal it is that you want and be happy with it.
A few years back I realized that I didn't want to get to 80, look back on my life, and realize I'd spent a good part of it worrying about my weight.
Sounds like you're doing great.

AmyPharmBunny said...

I log all my eating on beginnertriathlete.com, and I hear ya! I am trying to stay at 2000 cal/day to lose weight, and it's hard when I have worked out for 3 hours, but that's the only way. And I plan to be RIPPED come race season!!