Monday, January 7, 2008

What a great weekend!

I’m on the mend from my cold turned sinus infection, it’s been a long threeish weeks and it’s great to be back to a normal workout schedule. It’s amazing what rest and a round of antibiotics will do!

Yesterday’s long run, a whole 6 miles, was uneventful except for meeting up with my clone. This guy and I were dressed almost identically; white long sleeve shirt, black tights, white hat, ultimate direction bottle carrier, sunglasses. There was one distinction though, I was wearing my ultra cool King Kong running socks. Geek Girl, they aren't sexy toe socks but still very cool

We saw the new National Treasure movie, and it was great. Yeah I know, there are probably 100 different historical facts that were wrong or just plain made up but I don’t care, it was just a movie and a darn good one. Nobody got shot, no guns were fired and there was even a decent car chase scene. However, the plot was somewhat predictable but the dialogue was funny and interesting. Two thumbs up for a good movie with a nice ending.

The Christmas tree got taken down and I finally rebuilt the operating system on my Laptop computer! The poor laptop could hardly open internet explorer without churning away at the hard drive for a good 5 minutes. I’ve needed to rebuild the computer for at least a year, and it was getting to the point where the darn thing was unusable. Why do computer people always have the computer that don’t work?

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